Who cares? Nomisma customer support does!

The single word we use to sum up our values at Nomi, is ‘care’. As well being an anchor to help us all remember to care for ourselves, each other, and the work we do, it also drives our Support team to genuinely care about our customers and the success of their businesses.
This is not about merely sounding like you care. It’s about seeking a real understanding of the challenge a customer is looking to resolve and its impact. Doing that, and reflecting it in the respect and urgency applied, contributes to a swifter and more complete solution. It’s also more rewarding for both parties.
Part of that consideration is offering multiple channels through which to contact us,and through which to find guidance.
Direct Contact
The baseline of the Nomi support experience is direct interaction with our team. This could take the form of online chat, email, or phone. The assumption tends to be that phone support is the only way to get a swift response from a software company, but our email response time currently sits at only 8 minutes, so we are there for you, whichever channel best suits you, and suits the query you have. Furthermore, as we’re real people, you can enjoy the continuity of dealing with the same member of the team even if a discussion spans different mediums through to its conclusion.
Whilst we treat customer firms of all sizes equally, we do keep a special eye out for new customers as we understand they may need more help in the early months. All are offered free training to get them started.
Whoever you are and however long you have been with us, there is no limit on how often you can contact us and how long we will spend with you.
Video Content
For an in-depth run through of a subject in your own time, the best channel can be video. To that end, we have an extensive library of recordings on our YouTube channel. There are many bite-size topics covered, and some more extensive pieces which are constantly reviewed and updated, as well as being added to all the time.
It can be the ideal place to get a swift overview of all the enhancements in a new release. You can then delve into those that will be particularly useful for you.
Interactive in-app help
Embedded within Nomi is a system called WalkMe. WalkMe sits at your elbow as you work, offering context-sensitive assistance when you need it.
It can lead you through the more ordered onboarding tasks you need to perform to get started, like setting up practice details and importing client records, but it can also react to the function you are looking to execute at any time, and offer guidance.
These ‘Smart Walkthrough Guides’ don’t just give you a worked example to view and then replicate, they actually lead you through the entry of your live data to arrive at the real result you need. The best form of learning.
WalkMe also allows us to share regular announcements about feature releases and other important information. These updates are in the form of ‘Shoutouts’ which pop up on the Nomi platform. They can be either a quick text message, a walkthrough of what’s been released or information via video.
Whilst you’re actually using Nomi, you can also let us know anything you think could be added, or should work differently, through our ‘Feature Request’ function. All submissions make it straight into our CRM system, and get reviewed by our team. As they remain linked back to the customer who raised them, we can then let you know if we take the suggestion on board and when they are released.
We really do care what you think!
Want to find out more?
Book a free 30-day trial or talk to one of our advisor and see how our accounting software can help you manage staff, increase profitability and take your practice to the next level.

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