Nomi’s Latest Product Update – 28/08/2023

New week, new Nomi product update

Once again, it’s that moment in time when we share the latest updates to the Nomi platform.

What’s new:

7944 – CIS –  Ability to generate payment and deduction statements in bulk: When generating a payment and deduction statement, you can now select ‘All’ in relation to the subcontractors field. This will allow you to download all statements in bulk, rather than one-by-one.

8896 – CRM – Add ‘Profile’ section to the client portal: When your client is using the document potal, they can now access their own personal information which is linked to your CRM. So if they make any changes, they’ll automatically be updated.

Nomi CRM Client Portal

9219 – CRM – Client portal user experience enhancements: When using the search functionality, you can now sort the columns at the same time. Ability to search all files when simply searching a blank value. Ability to move files in bulk from a search result. When files are uploaded to the portal, an automated email is sent, within this email you can now download the file that has been uploaded.

9312 – CRM – Add ‘Next Follow Up Date’ to the lead dashboard: Now you can easily see exactly when each of your leads need to be contacted.

Nomi CRM - Lead Dashboard, next follow up date

9172 – Payroll – User experience enhancements to the expense management process: We’ve changed the names of certain labels, reduced the number of nominal codes to select from and moved the notification bell from the UI to the header of every page.

9135 – Payroll – Fixed a bug around employee annual leave requests: When an employee had annual leave that was in the ‘Pending’ status, the annual leave was appearing within reports as if it had been approved. We’ve now fixed this issue.

7224 – Bookkeeping – EC Sales of Goods added to the ‘VAT Type’ dropdown: You can now select this as an option when raising a sales invoice.

7918 – Agent – Bookkeeping credits: Within Nomi’s billing centre, you can now purchase bookkeeping credits and save up to 25% on your bookkeeping licences!

7044 – Bookkeeping – When splitting bank transactions, it’s refreshing: We’ve fixed this problem whereby when you select ‘More Line Items’ it refreshes and you lose the entries you’ve already made. Now, you can select more line items and you won’t lose the work you’ve already performed.

8630 – Agent – Dashboard performance: We’ve improved the performance of this page significantly by moving to an API loading method.


Highlight of the Week

Every week, we’ll spotlight a feature or update that we believe can make a significant difference in your workflow. This week’s highlight is:

Director-Focused Automated Payroll: A consistent, streamlined payroll is paramount, especially for directors. Introducing our optimized, automated payroll feature, tailor-made for directors. From automatically running the payroll to dispatching payslips and managing journal entries—Nomi’s got you covered. A hassle-free, efficient, and punctual payroll? That’s the Nomi promise.


Looking Ahead

Our mission remains clear: refine, optimize, and deliver. We’re channeling our energy into heightened user experience and system stability. This means addressing those niggles and tweaks you’ve highlighted. Your insights are invaluable in driving Nomi’s evolution—so keep them coming!



Your voice matters. Share your reflections, suggestions, or even a simple hello. Connect with us at [email protected] or dive into conversations in our Facebook community.


That’s a wrap for this week’s insights! Join us again next Monday for more. Wishing you a fantastic week ahead!

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